Oct 28, 2022

It's that time again....

How many of these words are you familar with? 
 nyctophobia = abnormal fear of night or darkness
2) sepulchral = pertaining to burials

3) berserk = crazy, deranged

4) thanatopsis a poem about death
5) perdition = loss of the soul
6) trepidation sense of fear that makes you tremble (get goosebumps or get the shivers / get chills up and down your spine)

7) lycanthrope = wolfman
8) arachnophobia =
an irrational or disproportionate fear of spiders.

What words (nouns, verbs, adjectives)  come to mind when you think of scary things?  
Make lists. You can also write them below in the comment section.

Which adjectives would you use to describe these pictures?

Click HERE for more vocabulary ideas. 

Now, use the words to create a story! 

MAD LIB STORIES: Create your word list according to what is asked (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) BEFORE reading the story. Then add the words in your list in the correct order to end up with (most often) a crazy story!

Story 2: Description of a Horror TV Show              
Story 6:  A Ghost Story    

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