Feb 27, 2010


Remember to check the Feb. 6 posting for questions to ask your partners.

Did anyone have a pancake party?

Feb 17, 2010


Remember to wear whatever you think makes you look Italian.
Bring your cameras and connecting cables

ALSO: Remember your magazines for class.

Feb 15, 2010


Tomorrow is PANCAKE DAY. By popular request, I am republishing my pancake recipe.
Have a pancake party and let me know all about it. If you take a video, we can upload it to the blog!

1)  Stir together dry ingredients:
2 1/2 cups flour
4 tablespoons sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2)  Mix 2 beaten eggs; 2 cups milk; and 2 tablespoons cooking oil

3) Add liquid mix to dry ingredients and stir until lumpy.

4) Pour about 1/4 cup of batter onto a hot griddle. Cook until golden brown. Turn to cook other side when pancake has a bubbly surface and slightly dry edges.

Mock Maple Syrup:
Put equal amounts of water, white sugar and brown sugar in a pan and boil for about one minute.
Serve warm over pancakes.

Click here for metric conversion
For a Visual Food Dictionary click here
For more dictionary help
Pancake video

Feb 6, 2010

Commenting on Photos

PRACTICE making comments on the photos we have uploaded. (Click on "Comenius4Kids Photos").
Consider the following while making your comments:
  • Expression
  • Posture/pose
  • Activity or action taking place
  • Relationship with the camera (does he/she like getting photographed? Is he/she photogenic?)
  • Location and background 
  • Other people in the photo
  • Age 
  • Clothing
  • Obects
Keep in mind the particular questions you will be asking your foreign partner. You will need to think of at least 8.
  • Who is in the background?
  • Where are you?
  • Why are you smiling/frowning/laughing?
  • Why is that object/person important to you?
 What can you learn about the person from the photograph?
Some of you still need to send photos. Remember you need 3.
Suggestion: choose photos that you think represent you. There are too many "kissing" photos and most of the photos are similar. You need more variety.

Feb 4, 2010

Who are the February students of the Month?

What are your topics?
1L Raffaela: Hip Hop 
3L Roberta: Skiing
5L still Susy; shopping