Nov 24, 2011

The BIG EVENT- Juvenes Translatores Volunteering

November 24: after all that preparation, the big day did finally arrive.
" Oh yeah, this looks easier than I thought it would be!"  

Giulia: "Oh, how do you say....?"
Tommy: "If I concentrate hard enough..."

Ariane: "Ah, this isn't so bad after all." 

Nov 18, 2011


Which TV commercial do you like the most

Which is your least favorite? Why?

Upload a video and explain your choices

Nov 10, 2011

Who am I?

Who am I?

1.  I am eight years old.
2.  I live with my mom, dad and two sisters.
3.  I have a grandfather and two aunts.
4.  My father works in a factory.
                               Do you know who I am yet?
5.  My mother is a stay at home mom.
6.  I don't like school.
7.  I always get in trouble.   
                                Have you guessed yet?
8.  My dad drinks beer.
9.  My sister plays the saxophone.
                                 And now?
10. We live in Springfield.
11. My mother has blue hair.
                                  And the answer is.....?

How many questions did you need to read before you knew who it was?

Try this test:

What Pre-1985 Video Game Character Am I?

Nov 9, 2011


Many Italian words look and sound like English ones, but mean something different.

Let's start a list. Which words can you think of ? (Add them in the comments section below.)

Take this QUIZ to test your knowledge.

Here are some links to give you some ideas:
Aiuto: traduzioni/glossario dei falsi amici nella lingua inglese
Falsi Amici nella lingua inglese
BBC --false friends in different languages
Unilang Wiki
Bleeding Espresso
Cactus Language

Monty Python - Italian class

Monty Python was a famous British comedy group. 

Do you understand the joke?

In English, there can be confusion about the meaning of "Italian Class".

Does it mean:  1) a class for Italians
                       2) a class to learn the Italian language

Which do you think is correct?

Monty Python - Bavarian restaurant

Monty Python was a British comedy group that became famous worldwide. Watch this spoof on English speaking tourists in a Bavarian restaurant.

Nov 2, 2011

3L What do you want to be when you grow up?

Write about your dream job

Include the qualities you need, the characteristics and the benefits you think are important for a job.
  • Do you need a degree or special training?
  • Do you prefer working alone or on a team? in an office, at home or outside
  • What benefits do you hope to have?
  • What do you look for in a boss?
  • Would you like to travel?
  • Are you interested in career advancement and promotions?
  • SIck leave? Vacations? Salary? Retirement funds?

2L Shopping

Where do you like to shop?  (the name and type of shop)

Where is this shop? (location)

Which shops do you like most? 
      Why do you like these shops?

Which are your least favorite?
      Why don't you like these shops?

Do you like shopping in your town or do you prefer to go to a bigger city?
What do you buy when you go shopping?
Are these shops expensive or are the prices economical, cheap, reasonable? 

Types of shops

What's in your downtown?

shopping mall - Visual Dictionary Online