Apr 23, 2023

Articolo 21 della Costituzione

Senato della Repubblica

In BRIEF: Everyone has the right to freely express their thoughts in speech, writing, or any other means of distribution. The press cannot be subjected to authorization or censorship. Judiciary authorities have the right to intervene in cases of crimes authorized by the law on the press, and judicial police officers can seize the periodical if necessary. The law also establishes measures to prevent and punish violations. 

Human Rights Guide
Article 19 (UN):  "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." 

EU-Freedom of expression and information: "Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This also means the freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected. This right is enshrined in Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights."

What are the limitations to freedom of expression? Freedom of speech is not always regarded as absolute. Most legal systems set limits, particularly when freedom of speech conflicts with other rights and protections, such as in the cases of libel (a defamatory written statement), slander (a defamatory oral statement), pornography, obscenity, fighting words, and intellectual property. libel / slander = (
diffamazione - offesa della reputazione altrui con altre persone / calunnia - denuncia falsa avanti ad un'autorità)

What are the limitations to freedom of expression in social media? It is prohibited to express opinions that offend, threaten, or insult groups based on race, color, religion, national orientation, or disability (hate speech).

Freedom of expression is significantly limited in China, N. Korea, Turkmenistan, Birmania, Libia, Eritrea, and Cuba. Italy's position dropped during the years when Berlusconi was prime minister (1994, 2001-2006, 2008-2011).  Freedom of Speech and Countries 2023

"The Tiny Tuscan Town Facing Down a Gas Ship" (The Guardian, winner of daily newspaper and supplement of the year).    Check out their note about being independent:

"Unlike many others, we have no billionaire owner, meaning we can fearlessly chase the truth and report it with integrity.  2023 will be no different; we will work with trademark determination and passion to bring you journalism that's always free from commercial or political interference. No one edits our editor or diverts our attention from what's most important." 

 Consider freedom of expression regarding national security and fake news. 

Apr 22, 2023

Happy Earth Day!

What are you doing to TREAT YOUR WORLD WELL?

 Earth Day Website

Mar 15, 2023

Mar 12, 2023

Don Juan’s First Love Affair - Lord Byron, Don Juan (1819-24)

Don Juan is a famous, legendary character featured in many literary and musical works, such as:

  • Moliere's play, Don Juan, ou Le Festin de Pierre (1665);
  • Mozart's opera, Don Giovanni (1787);
  • Lord Byron's, unfinished poem, Don Juan (1819-1834 - he died before finishing it); 
  • George Bernard Shaw's, Man and Superman (1903). 
Traditionally, Don Juan is depicted as an arrogant and aggressive libertine who is, ultimately, damned. 
In Byron’s version, Don Juan (pronounced Joo-ann) is a naïve, passive young man. He is seduced, rather than being a seducer.

For more information, click HERE

Byron started writing Don Juan in 1818 when he was about 30 and living in Venice.  He had been exiled from England due to his numerous affairs with married women. He passed away during the 17th canto (believed to be a malaria relapse in Messolonghi, Greece during the Greek War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire.) 

The poem was published in serialized form, like a novel. Byron admitted he didn't know where the plot was going and this way he could gauge public reaction. 
It has 16,000 lines, is divided into 16 cantos, and is written in ottava rima, an Italian eight-line stanza form with the rhyme scheme: A-B-A-B-A-B-C-C. It is used for both comic and serious work.
Both Ludovico Ariosto (1474-1533) and Torquato Tasso (1544-95) wrote their great epics (Orlando Furioso and La Gerusalemme liberata) in this form. 


Don Juan lives in Seville with his father, Don José, and his mother, Donna Inez. His father cheated on his mother before abandoning them.
Donna Julia, the 23-year-old wife of 50-year- old Don Alfonso, fancies and lusts for the 16-year-old boy Don Juan. Despite attempting to resist his charms, Julia enters into a love affair with Juan and falls in love. 

The main themes:
Romance and Love (marriage) -  Don Juan has more than 1000 lovers and finds himself in absurd situations. At 22 he even has an affair with the much older Empress, Catherine the Great from Russia, but is returned to England when he becomes ill due to the climate.
Youth and Innocence - considered praiseworthy and celebrated
Poetry as a vehicle for glory. Byron is the poet and the narrator.


Mar 7, 2023

March: a Month dedicated to Women

March 8 is International Women's Day, but did you know that the month of March has been Women's History Month 

since 1987

Click here to see how the mimosa came to be an important symbol

"Celebrating Women who tell our Stories"

is the theme The National Women's History Alliance  (NWHA) has chosen for 2023.  The group will encourage recognition of women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling. The theme honors women in every community who have devoted their lives and talents to producing art, pursuing truth, and reflecting the human condition decade after decade.

Which famous women do you admire?
Who do you think has left an important mark on history and why?
Who do you think should be famous but isn't? What contribution has this person made? 

Check out this site about Women's History Month and famous women

Find some famous quotes by or about women and put them in the comments section below. 

Feb 28, 2023

B1 Cambridge Preliminary Speaking Test - Parts 3 + 4

Part 3:  Talk together for about 2-3 minutes. The examiner will describe a situation.      

  • Talk to your partner and show an interest in what your partner says.  
  • Give suggestions and ask your partner questions*, including all pictures.    *How /what about you? /   Do you agree? /   What do you think?
  • Try to speak for an equal amount of time.  
  • If you don't remember a word, explain it in simpler terms. 
  • If you don't understand a word your partner uses,  you can ask what it means. 
Here is an example:   
A young man works very hard and has only one free day a week. He wants to find an activity to help him relax. Here are some activities.  Talk together about the activities he could do and say which would be the most relaxing. 

Part 4:  You will return the picture to the examiner who will ask you to talk about the previous topic. In this case, relaxing.   Here are some possible questions:

  • What do you do when you want to relax? (Why?)
  • Do you prefer to relax with friends or alone? (Why?)
  • Is it important to do exercise in your free time? (Why?/Why not?)
  • Is it useful to learn new skills in your free time? (Why?/Why not?)
  • Do you think people spend too much time working/studying these days? (Why?/Why not?)

B1 Article: FILMS

 PET - Example article writing task

One of the most important things in the PET Writing exam is that you have to answer the questions in the task very clearly. Don’t talk about things that are unrelated, but focus on the topicUse good grammar, linking words, punctuation, and interesting vocabulary.

In this article, you were to write about the types of films you enjoy and if you prefer going to the cinema or watching films at home with reasons. It was necessary to consider:

Types of films:  action action / animated biographical / cartoons / comedies / detective / disaster / drama / fantasy / historical / horror / love stories (romance) / musicals / mystery / science fiction / spy / thrillers...

Reasons to go to the cinema: newer films / atmosphere / big screen / sound system...

Reasons for staying at home: less expensive / more comfortable / can chat or do other things / stop and start / great selection / can watch many times...

Feb 21, 2023

Speaking B1 Cambridge Preliminary

Part 1:    Personal information. Talk to the examiner, not your partner. Give FULL answers. Know how to SPELL your name.  (2-3 minutes)

Part 2:  Talk about a picture.      Each student will get a picture to talk about.  Talk about everything you see:  people, clothes, colors, weather,  surroundings, time of day...(2-3 minutes).

This picture shows people learning a language. 

This shows people at a party. 

Feb 15, 2023

Storytelling: The Snake Bite

What would you do if you were in this situation?
How do you think this story will end? 
What ending would you give the story?

Now create a story that begins with this sentence:
    The island didn't look far away, and I felt sure that I could reach it.