Oct 26, 2011


to volunteer (verb)
volunteer (noun)
voluntary (adjective)
voluntarily (adverb)

To volunteer means to freely offer up your time and service to help. A volunteer might offer to water a neighbor's plants while he's on vacation or sign up to serve dinner at a local homeless shelter.

When it came into usage circa 1600, the noun volunteer referred to a person who offered himself up for military service. It wasn't until a few decades later that the word was first used in a non-military sense. And a little over a hundred years after that, volunteer expanded from functioning as just a noun to also playing the role of verb. A volunteer is someone who volunteers: willingly performs a task or offers a service.

An active citizen is a citizen who takes an active role in the community (as in crime prevention and neighborhood watch).  "Active citizenship" is the philosophy that citizens should work towards the betterment (improvement) of their community through economic participation, public service, volunteer work, and other such efforts to improve life for all citizens. In this vein, schools in some countries provide citizenship education.

Civic engagement  is the positive involvement in the affairs (social, political, and economic) of the home town, country, state ... Civic engagement can take many forms,  from individual volunteerism to organizational involvement to electoral participation. It can include efforts to directly address an issue, work with others in a community to solve a problem or interact with the institutions of representative democracy.

Volunteer work vocabulary TEST



The writing below was found on the FACEBOOK page on VOLONTARIATO. It is from Wikipedia. Both can be seen in English, but this can help you write in Italian as well. 

Il volontariato è un'attività libera e gratuita svolta per ragioni private e personali, che possono essere di solidarietà, di giustizia sociale, di altruismo o di qualsiasi altra natura.
Può essere rivolto a persone in difficoltà, alla tutela della natura e degli animali, alla conservazione del patrimonio artistico e culturale. Nasce dalla spontanea volontà dei cittadini di fronte a problemi non risolti, o non affrontati, o mal gestiti dallo Stato e dal mercato. Per questo motivo il volontariato si inserisce nel "terzo settore" insieme ad altre organizzazioni che non rispondono alle logiche del profitto o del diritto pubblico.
Il volontariato può essere prestato individualmente in modo più o meno episodico, o all'interno di una organizzazione strutturata che può garantire la formazione dei volontari, il loro coordinamento e la continuità dei servizi.

Norme sul volontariato in Italia

In Italia la Legge n. 266 del 1991 regola il volontariato organizzato e istituisce delle strutture per lo sviluppo e la crescita del volontariato su base regionale (i Centri di Servizio per il Volontariato) che forniscono gratuitamente alle Organizzazioni di Volontariato, servizi nel campo della promozione, della consulenza, della formazione, della comunicazione e molti altri.

Oct 23, 2011


DO NOT misuse the ellipsis ... 
You should use it only  to show:
1.  an omission of words
2.  a pause in speech
3. an unfinished thought

If you use an ellipsis to end your sentence, you must use four dots since the final dot serves as the period at the end of the sentence.

Oct 22, 2011


You MUST finish the INTRODUCTION for your blogs BEFORE THURSDAY, Oct. 27.

COMMENT on your classmate's blogs. We will read and discuss what you wrote in class.

ALL your BLOGS have LINKS in the list EXCEPT:

FRANCESCO B and MARIANNA C who STILL haven't given me their URL address for their blogs. 

Oct 6, 2011


Please check the list of links to your blogs.  I need the titles and the URL (page addresses) for GRAZIELLA, MARIANNA, CRISTIANO, DAVIDE and FRANCESCO. You can write them in the comments section below. 
If there are any mistakes, please let me know.
Click FOLLOW on this blog and each of your classmates'. Read and make COMMENTS.

Write about you or an imaginary you.
Things you can write about:

  1. personal information: name, age, what you look like
  2. where you live, where you work/go to school
  3. family
  4. what you like to do in your free time
  5. something you don't like to do
  6. future plans
Some suggestions for your title:  
  • Hello 
  • Welcome 
  • Hi  
  • (All) About Me  
  • Introduction  
  • Let Me Introduce Myself  
  • Here I am!

Title:  Welcome to my Blog

My name is Elizabeth, but my friends call me Ellie. I live in Miami with my mother, father, and older brother. We have two dogs and three cats. I am 1 meter and 65 cm tall and weigh about 55 kilos. I have short brown hair and green eyes. Everyone says I look like my mother, but my father says I look like my brother! I think he says this just to make me mad. 

I am 15 years old and go to high school. I like to study Math and Science, but I am good at languages. I don't know what I'll study at the university yet.

I used to study dance, but now I don't have time because I have a lot of homework. Like all teens, I love listening to music. I don't have a favorite singer because I like all kinds of music. What I listen to depends on my mood.  Although most people think it's strange, I also like to read a lot. I like historical novels most.  I don't like to watch much TV, although I do watch,"Glee."  I would like to go to the cinema, but I can't afford it, so sometimes I rent DVD's on weekends.
See you next week!