Dec 10, 2022


Watch the video to learn what "Rocket Man" (1972) is about: Notice Elton's reaction at the end. 

If you prefer reading:  

Lyricist Bernie Taupin, who collaborated with Elton on all his major hits explained in 2016: 

“People identify it, unfortunately, with David Bowies "Space Oddity.

It actually wasn’t inspired by that at all; it was actually inspired by a

story by Ray Bradbury (1920 - 2012), from his book of science fiction

short stories called The Illustrated Man (1951).  

“In that book, there was a story called 'The Rocket Man,' which was about how astronauts in the future would become sort of an everyday job. So I kind of took that idea and ran with that.”

Elton himself, added: “Do you know, I never knew that?” (44 years later!)

Here is the official video: 


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