Jan 9, 2022

New Year Resolutions

Take notes on what the video suggests.

What are the 9 steps? 

What 3 things are important for step 1? 

What's important to keep in mind when making a resolution? 

How should you choose your resolution?

What should you do once you have decided your resolution?

How should you review your progress?

Do you agree with step 7?  

1 comment:

Prof O said...

Step 1: You need a resolution, friend and willpower
Step 2: Just another day; a catLyst for change
Step 3: Choose resolution-realistic and longterm, not drastic
Step 4: Write it down; even a contract with yourself
Step 5: Get support
Step 6: Review progress - make adjustments
Step 7: Make more resolutions if doing well
Step 8: Celebrate success but don't go against your resolution (Ex: Don't reward yourself with wine if it was to cut down, but give yourself something else you desire, like shoes)
Step 9: Keep going!