May 18, 2012

Once you enter this room, there's no turning back...

You all passed your speaking exam! 

A little bit of work will take you a long way! 

SHARE  your experience. Consider these questions.
Were you nervous?

Did you understand everything?
Did you feel confident when you entered the room? How did you feel when you left the room?
Would you do this again?  
Was the exam easier than you thought it would be? 
Do you think this was helpful for your future?
Are you proud of yourself?
Did you expect to pass or were  you surprised you passed?
Had you studied hard so you think you deserved to pass? 

You can write in the  COMMENTS section below, OR write on your BLOG. 



Prof O said...

Tommy wrote:

Yes, I was nervous.
Yes, I understood almost everything.
I did not feel very confident when I entered the room.
I felt quite happy and satisfied when I left the room.
Maybe I would do this again
I found the speaking test a bit easier than I thought it would be, but the written test just as difficult.
Yes, I think this was helpful for my future.
I was surprised I passed, But I hoped to pass.
Yes, I think I deserved to pass as I had studied hard.

Prof O said...

We hoped you'd pass, too and were so excited when you did!
What did you think of the interactive part? In the end, everything we worked on must have soaked in!

GiuliaF said...

Congratulations were fantastic!!! I'm very proud of us:)

4L 2011/2012

Anonymous said...

ok I must admit at the begining I was not very scared.... but then... when I was walking in the corridor a felt a very strong adrenalin rush.... suddenly the tention arrived... lukly it passed after few minutes :D IV---> <3 XP ile :)

Anonymous said...

yes, very very nervous, because it's a very difficult exam.

Yes i HOPE that i understund everything because sometimes he spoke very fast!

No when i entered in the room i feel so bad, but when i left the room my heart was beating but finally i could brathe!

maybe i would do this again , but i'm not sure =)

In my opinion the speaking test is more difficult then the writing part.

yes, because i speak english very better then before!


Prof O said...

Your class has had two important "exams" this year. The preparation is tough, but when you have a goal, it makes it all worth the effort.