Dec 8, 2008

Advice Column

When people have problems, they often write a letter asking for advice. Try giving some advice to at least one of the troubled teens below. Write your answer in comments (after the letters below), or if you prefer, try writing a letter asking someone for advice!

Dear Dana,
I like this really cute boy in my class, but he has no idea that I like him. There are 3 other girls in our class, who are my friends, and they like him, too. They don't know I like him either. They follow him wherever he goes, so he hangs out with them more than he does with me. If he does spend time with me, they get jealous and make fun of me. Lately he stopped talking to me, but I saw him writing my name on his notebook and he stares at me a lot. What do you think I should do? Do you think this boy likes me?
Shy Girl
Dear Dan,
Every time I like a girl, my friend likes the same one. If I say a girl is pretty, he says she's pretty. If I say I want to ask her out, he says HE wants to ask her out. I always step back and tell him to ask the girl out because I don't want to ruin our friendship. This time there is a girl I REALLY like and don't want to watch my friend ask her out. What should I do? Do you think I'll lose my friend if he wants to ask her out, too?

Dear Dana,
I always thought my best friend's boyfriend was cute. A couple of days after they broke up, I found out he had a crush on me! Now my friend won't talk to me any more. Then I found out that someone had told her that I had told her ex to break up with her so I could go with him. I tried to talk to her, but she won't listen to me! I told her ex to tell her the truth, but he won't! now none of my friends will talk to me. What should I do?
Dear Dan,
My boyfriend says he loves me, but the other day I saw him flirting with the most popular girl in school. Then yesterday, I saw him walking really close to another girl, laughing and touching her arm. This morning when I got to school, he was with a different girl! Do you think he's going to break up with me?


Anonymous said...

Dear Abondoned,
I think this is a really difficult situation for you and your friend. I've read your letter, and I think that you should convince the boy to talk with her and explain her the situation. If he won't, you have to try to talk with her. She MUST know what's appened! She must know that it isn't your fault. HE broke up, not you.
I hope I helped you.

Anonymous said...

1) Dear shy girl,
I think you should try to talk with him because I think he likes you but before you should talk with your friends because if you don't tell them, they could get hungry , but if they're really your friend, they will be happy for you and they'll understand you really like him.

Anonymous said...

Dear nervous,
I don't think that your boyfriend is gonig to break up with you, but I believe he don't know what he say, because I think he don't really love you... Or maybe he's confused...
Talk with him and tried to understand what he think about your relationship, and why he flirt with other girls...
he can't make fun of you!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I must say them that
you like him and don't worry
if flirt wthi him yuo looking to that
can likes him.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nervous,
You are in a very difficult situation. I think that your boyfriend is not very smart because he has got a beautiful girl be side him and he is not satisfy ? Probably he is a blind person ! He doesn’t deserve you. I advise you to look for another boy with more brains
I hope I have helped you !

Anonymous said...

Dear Nervous,
If I were you I would speak to him. I'd try to understand his behavior because this situation isn't normal. I don't know if your boyfriend wants to break up with you because I don't folly understand your situation but the best solution is speak to him. Maybe he will says that he loves you and he does that because he is a open minded person and sociable person.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Dear Shy Girl,
I understand what you are feeling because this happened to me. You shouldn't think about the other girls, because if they are really friends they shouldn't be jealous or envious of you.
You should try speaking with him more without worrying about what your friends are thinking about you.
If he wrote your name,he also problably feels something for you!
Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Dear Tired,
Your friend is probably just trying to emulate you.
This is very common behavior for teenagers and it could mean that he sees you as a model.
You should ask her out, then you will know if your friend is happy for you or if he's envious.
Just remember, a real friend knows when it's the time to step aside.
Hoping you won't be tired much longer! :P


Anonymous said...

Dear Abandoned,
I just don't know what to say because it's a very strange and sad situation. I only suggest talking to your best friend once again because she must know the truth. If she won't listen to you, it's she that will lose a good friend, not you! And if the boy won't explain the real fact to her, maybe you should go and search for better friends, because they aren't good friends for you. What kind of friend could be yours, if she refuses to listen to you? If I were you I would go and try to make your friend listen to the truth, and if she won't listen, go on and look for a better one.
Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Nervous,
what are you waiting for ask him why he is behaving in this way? It's clear he is behaving in a strange and sospect way but also unjust with you. In my opinion you must clear up this thing with him then you could decide if break up with him or not.
I hope I helped you and good luck for the future!

Anonymous said...

Dear nervous,
There are two possibility:First that your boy doesn't love as before yourself
and he is looking for other girls, or those girls are only his friends and he jokes us..
I would speak there and I would ask him his strange behavior.

Anonymous said...

Delete Comment From: Comenius4Kids

Anonymous Costy said...
Dear Tired,
I don't think that your friend is correct with you. You shouldn't make a big problem out of this. You are kinder than your friend if you remain friends while he steals all the girls!
So, you should go out with this girl and tell your friend not to do anything because you want this girl to choose you, not him.