Feb 28, 2023

B1 Article: FILMS

 PET - Example article writing task

One of the most important things in the PET Writing exam is that you have to answer the questions in the task very clearly. Don’t talk about things that are unrelated, but focus on the topicUse good grammar, linking words, punctuation, and interesting vocabulary.

In this article, you were to write about the types of films you enjoy and if you prefer going to the cinema or watching films at home with reasons. It was necessary to consider:

Types of films:  action action / animated biographical / cartoons / comedies / detective / disaster / drama / fantasy / historical / horror / love stories (romance) / musicals / mystery / science fiction / spy / thrillers...

Reasons to go to the cinema: newer films / atmosphere / big screen / sound system...

Reasons for staying at home: less expensive / more comfortable / can chat or do other things / stop and start / great selection / can watch many times...

Here is an example answer. Note that the author added a title and dedicated a paragraph to each question. 

Home or cinema – How do you watch your favourite films?

I know many people who love animated or romantic films, but for me, there is nothing better than an amazing drama or adventure movie like ‘Indiana Jones’ because I’m a big fan of stories with a fascinating plot.

In my opinion, watching a film at home isn’t the same as going to the cinema to enjoy a great movie on a huge screen with popcorn and cola. If it wasn’t so expensive, I would go every week.

So, if you want to give me some money to go to the cinema more often, or to tell me which you prefer – the cinema or the TV screen, leave a comment.

Some notes on your writings:

  1. Use punctuation correctly. A sentence ends with a period / full stop (. A comma (,is rarely used before because. Do not overuse the exclamation mark (!)
  2. Know how to divide words into syllables: rab-bit / gold-en / pre-view / work-ing / fro-zen 
  3. Be careful about subject and verb agreement and verb tenses. 
  4. Do NOT use slang or expressions that are too informal. NEVER use gonna, wanna, cuz or cause (cause = reason).  
  5. Check your handwriting and spelling. 
  6. Reread what you have written to check for mistakes.

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